About me

My calisthenics journey began in 2016 when I decided to learn how to muscle up for the first time.

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When I first grabbed onto the bar, I couldn’t even imagine how to pull up high enough to get myself on top. I tried my hardest and pulled my strongest, but it was not enough. The next time I tried, I still couldn’t do it. It took me weeks and weeks of trying, but eventually one day I found the strength to pull myself up on top of the bar. At that very moment, I was hooked. All of that hard work I put in over the weeks has finally paid off, and I couldn’t wait to get stronger.

Shortly afterward I realized that it wasn’t my motivation or even strength that was lacking, it was my knowledge. The biggest problem with calisthenics training is that progression is not intuitive to the beginner. With weight training, you can stick to compound movements and just increase the weight over time. In calisthenics, there are many different ways to progress such as changing leverage, resistance, volume, etc. Not to mention the small but critically important technique details that can make-or-break certain skills.

I spent years learning the “proper” way to train advanced calisthenics skills. I’ve learned from some of the best athletes in the game as well as physical therapists and fitness professionals. I’ve even had several debilitating injuries that I’ve had to rehab back to health due to overtraining and imbalances.

But through pain comes strength. I’ve learned how to train, compete, and win on a professional level. I’ve competed and won events such as the World Calisthenics Organization’s Battle of the Bars, Ultimate Freestyle Calisthenics League, Barstarzz Muscle Beach Jam, and even American Ninja Warrior. I also had the chance to represent the United States in the World Calisthenics Organization Super final in Dubai of 2019.

That’s when I realized this was truly my passion - and I wanted to make a positive impact on as many people as I could. I spent the next few years learning as much as possible while working with clients of all ages, skill levels, and backgrounds.

This is where I come into your journey! I spent 7+ years training myself to get to the level that I’m at, but I’m 100% confident you could do it faster. When I first started, I didn’t have the knowledge needed to progress safely and quickly. I’ve learned so much on my own journey and am passionate about helping others achieve their own fitness goals!